Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Solo Senior Goes Bush

The motor home now has a name! It is henceforth to be called Roma, after a well-known South Australian former Governor, and reflecting what I am doing.

I am writing this in Roma, sipping a glass of Te Awa (Hawke Bay) unwooded chardonnay with the Rhythm and Blues section of my iPod playing “Blue Highway”. I am in Waikaremoana (W) which is near the middle of the triangle of Napier, Gisborne and Rotorua. Accessing W has been interesting – requiring about 25kms of driving along a gravel road. It is blowing a gale but Roma is in a sheltered spot. I want to do some walking but will need to choose low places rather than high (as well as wear wet weather gear). The campsite is a Department of Conservation one, but with powered sites. It is basic but with spectacular views – might get a better photo tomorrow if the weather clears!

Today’s photo is taken on the road between Napier and Gisborne and highlights a Kiwi fetish of hanging old shoes on fences. The cows give a nice rural element.

24 hours later:
It rained all night and was still going in the morning. The idea of a walk was not appealing but I was going to venture out anyway. Donned the wet weather gear – and it was wonderful. Cool, not cold (scarf, hat and gloves disappeared quickly); cloudy at first (this is after all the land of the long white cloud) but not raining anymore and with the sun trying to escape. All shiny and wet and beautiful. I walked to Anawanina via Beech Forest track (30 mins) and then climbed for an hour to Lake Waikareiti. And wouldn’t you know it – the sun was shining and lake was glistening. Sat in the sun outside the DoC hut eating lunch and chatting to Hubert, the friendly Frenchman. He took photos but they are on my phone (didn’t think I’d need camera – new lesson here). After returning I was seriously bedraggled but that’s why one has hot shower and power for hair dryer. Now looking gorgeous with nowhere to go.

Tomorrow it’s off to the Bay of Plenty – a long drive but want to get up there as I have now been on the road for a week!

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